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Старый 26.05.2024, 22:07 #61
stika stika вне форума
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Сообщение от kosmos17 Посмотреть сообщение
Read my answers carefully.
It's not in the software.
read carefully my answers: yellow button and (i) button are presents you never said it is not in software and it would have been very simple to answer like that. Problem solved, thanks.
stika вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 28.05.2024, 17:04 #62
kosmos17 kosmos17 на форуме
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to Delirium, If you are interested in solving Tiger 4K problems, then
there is test software for recording logs via RS232.
Do you have the appropriate cable, skill and desire to do this?
kosmos17 на форуме   Ответить с цитированием
Delirium (28.05.2024)
Старый 28.05.2024, 17:18 #63
Delirium Delirium вне форума
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Сообщение от kosmos17 Посмотреть сообщение
to Delirium, If you are interested in solving Tiger 4K problems, then
there is test software for recording logs via RS232.
Do you have the appropriate cable, skill and desire to do this?
I have this cable

Can you guarantee me that everything will be fine? Unfortunately I sometimes had some trouble going back in case of problems with other receivers.
Delirium вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 28.05.2024, 19:31 #64
kosmos17 kosmos17 на форуме
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The cable for connecting to the PC serial port is like this

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PuTTY is also needed
You've already used this?

If you have doubts, it is better not to start,
kosmos17 на форуме   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 28.05.2024, 20:14 #65
Delirium Delirium вне форума
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Сообщение от kosmos17 Посмотреть сообщение
The cable for connecting to the PC serial port is like this

Скрытый текст


PuTTY is also needed
You've already used this?

If you have doubts, it is better not to start,
No, I don' t know it.
Delirium вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
kosmos17 (28.05.2024)
Старый 02.09.2024, 10:59 #66
Delirium Delirium вне форума
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This receiver cannot tune the channels in T2-MI with PID 4096 on 23.5° E - 12285 V - SR 30000 nor those in T2-MI with PID 4096 on 4.8° E - 12073 H - SR 30000.
It is possible to resolve this with a firmware update ?

Последний раз редактировалось Delirium; 02.09.2024 в 11:37.
Delirium вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 02.09.2024, 11:49 #67
kosmos17 kosmos17 на форуме
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maybe you didn't get to the heart of the matter.
it is solved by recording the required BISS key into the emulator.
kosmos17 на форуме   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 02.09.2024, 11:53 #68
Delirium Delirium вне форума
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Channels with PID 4096 are not stored by the receiver, it is not a key issue.
Delirium вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 02.09.2024, 12:39 #69
kosmos17 kosmos17 на форуме
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kosmos17 на форуме   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 02.09.2024, 12:48 #70
Delirium Delirium вне форума
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Sorry, is this receiver Uclan D-Box 4K CI+ Combo or another ?
What firmware did you upload ?
I have set Multistream Auto PLSN ON.
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